As some of you may know, i have done my practice in a Youth Club. For a short presentation of the place, i can say that it has everything it needs. It is a big building, having a large number of designated areas like the computer area, the playstation and table-tenis area, the "creative room", the music room, a gym, a big common room and the kitchen. There are 14 people working there, and belive me, they are quite a mixture, ranging from former soldiers to rock-band members. Who would of thought? It is quite something to see a tattoed bass-guitar band member or a soldier that has seen the batlefields of Iraq spend time with the kids. It has something to do with their way of being. I say that because i have realised that you have to be born with the skill of being a pedagogue in order to function in this colorfull place. The kids coming here are as different as their pedagogues : rich famillies or poor famillies. Coming just to have fun or to seek answers. Danish or imigrant.
The Club has a perfectly defined set of aims and values. The aim and the reason for it to exist is Crime Prevention but also to give comfort to those that need it, like children from disfunctional famillies. When it comes to values, i can only quote Lars, former soldier and the nicest person i have ever met : "Never say No, always try to do what the kids want. And be there to listen! ". Is there any need for more values?
Observations are hard to put into words. I have seen a lot of things there, but i will tell you only one of the things that impressed me. During the first day, as we were given the "grand-tour", i stated that the kids are playing Warcraft, as i was walking around the computer area. There wasn't any sort if intention in my voice, but the next day i was aproached by Zack, an imigrant kid, asking me if i wanted to play Warcraft with him. I played everyday that week, i even saw videos of his cousin and i got beaten at playing pool. It confused me because i thought i didn't do anything to develop a relationship with Zack. I got my answer later from Jakob : "You stated a common interest. It's all these kids need. It is the basis of friendship and Zack needed it ". As days went by, and the kids got familiar with us i played pool with some of them but that was it. The language barrier was too big.
My role in the institution is very hard to judge. The Club has very few rules and the kids are free to do almost anything they want so i didn't have a specific role like i would of had in a more structured environment. I have been playing he same stuff they played, like soccer, pool, climbing, but i was more of an observer.
As i described my relation to the kids, i will do the same with my colleagues. A good start was the fact thay everyone accepted us fast. I could spend hours talking to Lykke or Jakob (our supervisors) on any subject. They friendly and always ready to help or answer questions. I was surprised by the fact that they told me persoal things, but i found out that being close and confortable with your co-workers creates a better environment for everyone. With them being so open, i got to understand more about the Club, because it is the sum of everybody there. We compared sistems in out countries, we talked abou social problems and a lot of other things, maybe not related to this at all. I have a great respect for them and for what they do beacuse they are passionate and it shows.
My positive resources were in the line of playing anything with the kids and being open to dialogue. Again, the language issue was present, but i think i did ok.
I wish to thank Shirley and Mateja for having the brilliant idea of cooking on Thursday. I saw a difference in the way the kids looked to and at us after that. And the fact that they helped us cook, the fact that they thanked us for the food and that they liked it (no meat, very rare in the Club) was of great satisfaction to me. There is nothing negative in this Club. Everyone is doing their part and it is ok. They don't succes everytime but they learn from their mistakes.
As for what i would like to do with the kids...I think it is about what i CAN do with them, the language problem being the issue here. But, there are so many posibilities, it is impossible to say NO.
At the end i would like to thank Niels for the best U-Turn of this course, the staff at the Club for being so friendly and open, and ofcourse Shirley and Mateja for being such great colleagues.